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Master’s Message - September 2024
Union #0007 17 days ago


I hope this finds you well and you’re all well on your way in your scavenger hunt, and having fun. We are working hard on a candidate for the Ghost Raising in Nevadaville. 

Union 7 will be hosting a District Lecturer’s Workshop on September 7th. This will be a great opportunity to brush up from the summer break and should be particularly educational for newer members, Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts. I really need everyone to RSVP so Brad can get a good head count for lunch. But more importantly, as we’re hosting, I really need us all to fill our officer’s chairs if possible.

September 14, will be our first meeting back and we will do 
1.    Wine tasting with our wives and,
2.    It will be Sports Jersey night! No ties/tuxes. Wear your favorite sports jersey, be it hockey, baseball, cribbage or quidditch.

Random Quote of the month:
[In my youth, I found myself on both sides of this. I can only hope I’m a better person now.]

May you never be the reason why someone who loved to sing, doesn’t anymore. Or why someone who dressed so uniquely, now wears plain clothing. Or why someone who always spoke so excitedly about their dreams, is now silent about them. May you never be the reason someone gave up on a part of themselves because you were demotivating, non-appreciative, hypercritical, or even worse--sarcastic about it.     —Mostafa Ibrahim

Chris Hochmuth
Worshipful Master