
Masonic Links

Links to Other Masonic Organizations
  • Colorado Grand Lodge - Masonry is the world's oldest and largest fraternity for men. Although the details of Masonry's beginnings are lost, it is certain that in 1717 four lodges met in a London coffeehouse and formed the first Grand Lodge or association of lodges. Masonry entered this country early in our history. Benjamin Franklin, an active Mason, printed the first Masonic book published in the United States. George Washington and other American leaders were active Masons. As Masons moved across the continent, they brought Masonry with them. The first recorded Masonic meeting in Colorado was held in the middle of the nineteenth century; the first Rocky Mountain News contained a notice of a Masonic meeting. The Colorado Grand Lodge was formed in 1861. Freemasons have been supporting families and family values since our inception. We have organizations open only to men, only to women, for couples, for boys and for girls. For further information on some of our various organizations. The Masonic family.
  • Colorado Masonic Directory - Directory of the (2024} Colorado Grand Lodge, Officers, Committees, & Lodges
  • El Jebel Shrine - El Jebel Shrine is a Metro Denver based arm of Shriners International
  • Colorado York Rite - The York Rite, or more correctly, the American Rite, is based on the early remnants of Craft Masonry that were practiced in the early 1700's. The formation of the first Grand Lodge of England in 1717 specified that the lodges were to confer only the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, all other degrees being considered spurious. However, many lodges had been conferring other degrees that they considered an integral part of Masonry, in particular that of the Royal Arch, and formed their own Grand Lodge in 1751, terming themselves the "Antients" and the other Grand Lodge members the "Moderns." With the merger of the two Grand Lodges in 1813 into the United Grand Lodge of England, the lodges agreed that only the three accepted degrees of Masonry would be used by the lodges, but the degree of the Royal Arch would be attached to Chapters allied directly to these lodges and bearing the same number as the lodge, though as a separate body. Thus, unlike the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, which claims to hold the power of conferring the first three degrees of Masonry in addition to those under its jurisdiction, those found in the York Rite have rightfully acknowledged the fact that they are considered appendant to those of Ancient Craft Masonry. It is still the practice in English Masonry that a Masonic member is not considered to be in possession of all the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry until he has been exalted to the Royal Arch.
  • Denver Consistory - The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry was organized in the United States in 1801 and traces its lineage to Masons in 18th century France as well as to Frederick the Great of Prussia. Scottish Rite bodies are located on every continent and share the common values and goals of helping men become better individuals, husbands, fathers, and citizens of their respective countries.
  • Masonic Scholarship Program - The scholarships are for up to $7,000 per year, renewable for four years for a total of $28,000 and are awarded primarily for leadership, maturity, need, and scholastic ability without reference to race, creed, color, sex, or Masonic relationship

Masonic Literature

Documents that may be of interest to those researching Masonry.
  • Freemason's Magazine - The Masonic Magazine on Freemasonry and Research into Freemasonry made by Freemasons

Membership Forms

Links to Forms Required to become a member of a Masonic Lodge in Colorado